Re+Ops Tools Census Sandbox

Industry Information


  • In-house design in a medium or large corporation/enterprise - 45.85% of question respondents
  • Start-up or small corporation - 37.07%
  • Government/public sector - 8.29%
  • Client services company (Agency/studio/consultancy) - 8.29%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


  • Tech - 52.68% of question respondents
  • Research - 18.04%
  • Financial Services - 16.58%
  • Medicine/Health/Wellness - 11.21%
  • Design - 9.75%
  • Education - 7.31%
  • Government/Civil Service - 6.34%
  • Auto & Transportation - 5.85%
  • Retail - 5.85%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Company Type

  • Business-to-business (B2B) - 42.43% of question respondents
  • Business-to-customer (B2C) - 32.68%
  • Business-to-business-to-customer (B2B2C) - 18.53%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


  • USA - 54.14% of question respondents
  • UK - 26.82%
  • Canada - 20.97%
  • Australia - 14.14%
  • Germany - 13.17%
  • Global - 12.68%
  • France - 9.26%
  • Europe - 9.26%
  • Spain - 6.34%
  • India - 6.34%
  • Japan - 5.85%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Where research is conducted

Data point with 1 connection is not included.

Research team size

  • 2-5 - 35.6% of question respondents
  • 6-10 - 23.9%
  • 11-20 - 13.65%
  • 21-50 - 11.21%
  • 50+ - 6.82%
  • 1 - 5.36%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


  • 3: Maturing of UX research into an organizational focus - 23.41% of question respondents
  • 2: Adoption of UX research into projects - 22.43%
  • 4: Integrated UX research across strategy - 20.97%
  • 1: UX Research Awareness - Ad Hoc Research in the pipeline - 20.48%
  • 5: Complete UX research culture - 9.75%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.